White Art Berlin (Center of Modern Arts) is used and used by as many people in Berlin, we aim to be in close contact with our users. Based on this, we will endeavor to show the required high level of activity and expertise in each of their artistic activities.

Our primary area of ​​interest is to meet the visitors of the Modern Arts Center with modern art. With the exhibitions and events to be presented today, it enables art to be understood from the inside of life and watched by as many people as possible.

The purpose of the exhibitions should be understandable by everyone, and visitors should have an idea when leaving.

The modern arts center is part of the education project of the society, such as schools and universities; Intellectual, aesthetic and emotional integrity, quality and understanding are the common application area.

Art does not always send cheerful and optimistic messages. There is no doubt that human beings discover, describe, interpret and criticize their own world thanks to the messages that art carries; because it is for life.

Therefore, we will never compromise on the quality we offer. We believe that the White Art Berlin Arts Center will be a constantly renewed, dynamic, active "living culture center", which is open to change, will enable the masses to meet with artworks and open a place for art in their daily lives. The quality of the exhibitions and their public offering, as well as other services in the artistic field, will be an indication of White Art Berlin's respect for its visitors.


